Published in Mosaic LAU Newspaper, on April 5, 2017 | Volume 3 – Issue: 4
Caution: This may not turn out to be what you think it is.

Well, that worked. This title attracted you enough to check out my article, though I’m not so sure about how much of a good thing that is.
Here’s one from a woman who is tired of seeing one more article about “How to know that your Ex is over you”, “How to get abs in 2 weeks”, or “What does your name say about you?” No thank you, I’d much rather invest my time in something that’s true and would benefit my life.
So many vital or educational issues can be highlighted on other than things we should have no business in.
Titles of articles are usually put in a way that attracts people enough to read them. Writers see what’s trending in that field or the world, and use it to their advantage. Smart #business, honestly. However, what’s sad is that most articles nowadays, even ones on some of the most credible publishing sites and newspapers, are extremely shallow with no added value! Is that what people are attracted to today? Which celebrity got married, divorced, cheated on, or "who wore it better"? Several well-known and respected sites recently published articles about an important event that took place and instead of highlighting the purpose of the event and its importance in society, they choose to highlight on what the person was wearing!
So many vital or educational issues can be highlighted on other than things we should have no business in. We live in an era in which almost everyone has access to the Internet and most articles published anywhere. #Newsfeeds get millions of daily shares on #Facebook and other social media platforms. #News reaches out to millions within seconds, and unless deleted, remain within everyone’s reach at any time. Do you see how critical the value of information provided is? If a child accesses the Internet to read, the trending topics will be everything but cultural, enriching, and #inspiring. You want to build a stronger generation or change the way people think, then start leading their thoughts in the right direction and not towards the shallowest of topics.
You are what you think and what you think is what you feed your mind and surround yourself with.
I’m not saying that we shouldn’t write about #fashion or #lifestyle, many find interest in such topics, and I’m one of them. However, it has reached a point where almost everything revolves around materialistic issues disregarding intellectual ones.
Titles and wordings are very misleading. #Journalists often formulate their sentences in an exaggerated manner to add a dramatic effect to the article leaving readers with something to #gossip about. So much knowledge is out there, within your reach more than ever before. How would you know what interests you have if you haven’t researched in enough places to know what and how much is out there?
Be an added value to your society. What are you going to gain from all that gossip and these few-day-trends? I’ll tell you what you’re going to lose, your time and energy. You are what you think and what you think is what you feed your mind and surround yourself with.
What do you want to achieve in your life? Are the things you’re engaging in helping you get there? If I asked you a question about an important event that took place in your field of interest, would you be able to answer? Or would you tell me what #designer clothing or accessories the CEO was wearing? Be careful what you invest your time in.
This is also a call for all of you aspiring writers who have something valuable to say, to start paving a road to a more intellectual society.
Also, #KylieJenner, no offense, keep doing your thing (which I, nor anyone, have any business in).
